Day 29: Character Creation
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"I have always enjoyed creating characters but sometimes it can be tricky to just think of one from nowhere so this prompt allows you to think of a name and then asks you some 'hot seat' questions which allows you to flesh out that character. Also you never know what other ideas might spring from your character profile..."
To find out more about Rachel Baker visit: https://64millionartists.com/rachel-baker/

Take two or three random letters, if you can see a car number plate near you take the letters from that, if not look around your space and take the first letter of the two/three objects you look at. These three letters are initials, for example, 'WP'. Create a name with these initials for example 'William Percy'. This character can be a human, animal or alien, whatever you want.
Now you have the name, you can either draw the character or just imagine what they look like. What is the character wearing? What is their hair like? Are they a smiley character?
Now you have a name and an idea of how they look you can answer these questions on paper, typed up, or just in your head. This will help you to fully form this character and give them an identity.
What is this character's favourite breakfast?
What is this character's greatest achievement?
What do they do for a living?
When was the first time they fell in love?
What is their party trick?
What would they watch on TV?
What is their most treasured possession?
Who is their best friend?
Now you have a character with a back story and personality!
Improvising and answering with the things that come to mind can prevent overthinking the answers. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed when we think too much about creating, improvising is all about just doing, its the 'yes, and'. I would like them to reflect on their ability to make something from nothing and to reflect on their improvisational and creativity skills. I hope they will feel excited and creatively fulfilled by this task.

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