Day 18: Dressed to Express
🏴 Mynegi trwy Wisgo

"I am an independent designer running my own clothing brand; Janus. I would like to facilitate and sustain a supportive community of artists in Manchester through this programme and my line of work in fashion! I was on my way to an interview when I thought about this prompt. I had decided to wear a pair of my favourite boots! I had worn this boots to all my previous job interviews, I had also worn these boots to hand in my resignation at a job where I was unhappy. I had worn these boots on nights out with my friends and to community projects. As I was walking to my interview, I thought about all the times I had worn these boots and how they made me feel confident and powerful! I wondered if others had a similar piece of clothing item that represented something similar for them. This prompt encourages us to mindfully engage with their self-expression through fashion. By choosing and wearing our favorite pieces, we can explore how clothing influences our mood and identity, while the act of sharing creates opportunities for connection and conversation."
To find out more about Angie Ouya visit: https://64millionartists.com/angela-ouya/

Choose your favorite item of clothing or shoes—the one that makes you feel the most confident, comfortable, or truly you.
Wear it today! As you go about your day, take notice of how it makes you feel.
If your item is elsewhere, you could draw yourself in that favourite item of clothing.
Throughout the day, jot down or mentally note any moments where wearing this item affects your mood or actions. Did it give you a boost of confidence? Did it bring back a memory? Reflect on how your clothing impacts your day.
What does this piece of clothing represent for you? Comfort, strength, joy, identity?

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