Day 17: Mind-Full Of...?
🏴 Meddwl garwch...?

"I am a writer, creator and musician from London. Through my experimentation with diverse platforms and forms of expression, I've built a wonderful online community based on introspection and emotional connection, with whom I share my thoughts in written, long and short video forms. I have a deep love for words, and only want anyone who comes across my work to leave feeling better for it."
To find out more about David Larbi visit: https://64millionartists.com/david-larbi/

Spend 15 minutes writing a poem, journal entry or doodle of the things that are most pressing on your mind.
It can be important, inane, personal, public - if it's the first thing you think of, take the time to explore why.
"This prompt is about having a mindful moment. Journalling is proven to enhance mental clarity and emotional expression. Perhaps you can return to this prompt throughout the month. "
Reflect on why whatever you wrote came to mind.
Why is it at the forfront of your mind on this day?
How does it feel to write it down?

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