Create circles of care and creativity at work

As a nation, we’re often driven by getting things right. Creativity is a chance to get back in touch with a part of ourselves, often long-buried, and allows us to connect with the world around us differently.

That’s why The January Challenge exists – to remind us that we are ALL creative.

We’re holding workshops in November to walk you through how The January Challenge can be a brilliant tool for you to bring into your workplace.

Click here to learn how you could invite creativity and connection into your workplace in 2023.

Creative Champions can download the FREE Champions Pack ahead of January, which contains all 31 challenges to help with planning.

Make an impact

85% of people participating in The January Challenge say that it positively impacts their wellbeing.

We have been working with our Research Associates, Tialt, to explore the impact the campaign has had on the lives of people taking part.

You can read more by clicking here

The 2022 Impact Report was created with our associates at tialt

Why be a Creativity Champion at work?

You can help those around you to:

  • feel seen and heard
  • motivated to do something for themselves each day
  • purposefully connect with broader issues across the UK
  • creatively engage with those around them
  • release perfectionism and understand how creativity connects to their wellbeing
Join us for a series of workshops held in early November on how to use The January Challenge in your setting

Get your ticket today!

We’re holding workshops in November to walk you through how The January Challenge can be a brilliant tool for you to bring into your workplace

Click here to buy your ticket