Cultural Democracy in Practice – The Shop Front Theatre
The Shop Front Theatre The Shop Front Theatre, managed by Theatre Absolute, is exactly what it says on the tin, a theatre in a shopfront in quite a dilapidated shopping centre in the centre of Coventry. It’s not flashy, it has a few lights and is a bit ‘dodgy and dirty’ as Co-Founder Chris O’Connell…
Read MoreCultural Democracy in Practice – Scottee and Friends
Scottee and Friends We met Scottee and Asad in the rehearsal room for their new show Fat Blokes, which had just premiered at Southend and was going on to run in Peterborough, Manchester, London and across the UK in the Autumn. Scottee, an artist and activist, predominantly makes work in collaboration and for this show…
Read MoreCultural Democracy in Practice – Northern Heartlands
Northern Heartlands Northern Heartlands is one of the Great Place schemes, jointly funded by ACE and HLF with the ambition to empower communities through culture, heritage and the arts. One of the only schemes not to be embedded within a local authority, the bid itself left space for the strategy and direction of the process…
Read MoreCultural Democracy in Practice – National Theatre Wales Team
National Theatre Wales – TEAM Since the inception of National Theatre Wales in 2010, TEAM has been an integral part of what it does. Designed to be a different kind of national theatre that had a relationship with the communities it serves, TEAM is a national network of now over 2000 people who help to…
Read MoreCultural Democracy in Practice – Fun Palaces
Fun Palaces Beginning in 2013, The Fun Palaces movement campaigns for cultural democracy year round, with a weekend of action every year in early October. In this weekend, communities all across the UK (and internationally) run events under the principle ‘community at the heart of culture’ where people participate equally, for free, in any kind…
Read MoreCultural Democracy in Practice – Derby Museums
Derby Museums “When applying a co-production approach the results are so much richer”. Head of Co-production Display Andrea Hadley-Johnson describes the vision of Derby Museum: where cultural democracy is the norm, the innate way to work. A shift to cultural democracy was underway when Tony Butler became director in 2014, and this approach was embedded…
Read MoreCultural Democracy in Practice – Contact Theatre
Contact Theatre, Manchester For twenty years, Contact Manchester has given agency, responsibility and skills to young people, using performance and theatre as a force for social change and artistic empowerment. The direction and key management decisions (including all staff appointments) of Contact are shared 50/50 between adult and young people’s leadership panels. For every major…
Read MoreCultural Democracy in Practice – Links
For those of you reading the guide in print – here is a list of websites and online resources referred to in the document: 64 Million Artists: www.64millionartists.com Case study websites: Creative People and Places: http://www.creativepeopleplaces.org.uk/ Fun Palaces: http://funpalaces.co.uk/ Battersea Arts Centre: www.bac.org.uk Derby Museums: https://www.derbymuseums.org/ Scottee and Friends: https://www.scottee.co.uk/ Citizen Curators: https://www.cornwallmuseumspartnership.org.uk/citizen-curators/ Shop Front: http://www.theatreabsolute.co.uk/shop-front-theatre/…
Read MoreLaunch of Cultural Democracy in Practice Report
Cultural Democracy in Practice A new guide commissioned by Arts Council England We’re delighted to announce the publication today of a brand new 36 page guide exploring how to embed democratic practice within arts and cultural organisations. Earlier this year, we were commissioned by Arts Council England to write a guide for organisations on the principles…
Read MoreCultural Democracy in Practice – Scene & Heard
Scene & Heard Scene & Heard delivers a fundamental element of cultural democracy: creativity in the hands of the participant, facilitated by the host organisation. A unique mentoring project in Somers Town, Camden London, Scene & Heard uses high-quality theatre as a tool to boost the self-esteem and raise the aspirations of young people from…
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