Day 15: Rainy Day Dance
🏴 YDawns Diwrnod Glawog

Hello, I’m Krystal Lowe! I’m a dancer, choreographer, writer, director, and a mum of one.
I always aim to be authentic in how I work and present myself, always striving for greater equity in how I create and in the art I create.
I focus on seeking innovation ahead of perfection while empowering creatives and communities.
Today’s challenge is a Rainy Day Dance! For me, dance and movement are one in the same. All movement is dance and all dance is simply movement!
As January is my birthday month, I have a lot to be excited about, but it can also be a pretty gloomy month.
I find dancing, moving through the gloom is the perfect way to make even the greyest, rainiest days joyful!
This challenge is for disabled as well as non-disabled people to take part in whether outdoors or indoors, we can move through the gloomy grey days to find joy.
So, no matter how you move, no matter where you move, let’s do it together!
Get dressed for the weather, go outside, and dance.
If you’re staying inside to take part in this challenge then open the curtains and enjoy the grey, rainy, sky as you move!
Think about three things that you enjoy about rainy, grey days. i.e. Fire in the fireplace, hot chocolate, the smell after the rain, the sound of the rain falling on the roof, the waterfall of rain that slides down your windows.
On the next rainy day, share this activity with someone close to you - dance together to bring joy to your day.

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