Creativity is... An Opening Ceremony.
Over August, we saw the 2024 Olympics come to life in Paris. This week, the celebration of sport continues with the Paralympics!
Did you catch the opening ceremony for the games? This week, we’re inviting you to create your own…
Create your own Opening Ceremony.
Imagine your city is hosting the Olympics. What would your grand opening look like?
What spectacle would you put on for the world to see?
Which local sports or traditions would you highlight?
Who would you invite to perform?
Who would have the honour of lighting the Olympic flame?
What unique aspects of your city would you showcase?
You could draw or build a scene from your opening ceremony.
Or create a piece of writing from the perspective of an audience member who is attending.
How would you like the audience to feel when they are watching your opening ceremony?
Share your creation with someone you would like to invite to your opening ceremony.
Or you could invite them to join in and create an opening ceremony together!
If you share your dance moves on social media include hashtags #CreativityIs #64MillionArtists

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