Day 16: Recycle To Stitch
🏴 Y Mwydyn

"A collaboration between Eleanor and Sarah, Fast Fashion Therapy's ambition is to create a more sustainable fashion industry through sharing clothing repair and up-cycling skills. Every month, we host free workshops at community spaces across London and online sharing 'visible mending', upcycling and essential sewing skills. Our workshops welcome people with a range of abilities and creative ambitions - we learn just as much from participants as they learn from us!
We chose this creative prompt to encourage people to look at the materials they already have in their home/office/school and think about them differently. Often when it comes to sewing and clothing repair, people feel they need to buy lots of new fabrics, yarns and equipment to get involved. In reality, so many of us have the simple materials and equipment you need to get started at home. Or if not, you can often borrow it from someone you know. We hope this prompt encourages you to think twice before buying something new (or getting rid of old clothing) so we can all be a little more sustainable in our creativity!"
Fast Fashion Therapy offer workshops at St Margarets House and you can find out more about their work, and the brilliant goings on at St Margarets House here https://64millionartists.com/st-margarets-house/
To find out more about Fast Fashion Therapy visit: https://64millionartists.com/fast-fashion-therapy/

Experiment with stitching using paper, card, fabric and other found or recycled materials around you. Use a piece of card as your base – or, if you like, use a bigger piece of fabric.
Use a pen to mark out 3 lines of dots. Use the pen to punch through the card to make holes on each of the dots. You can continue to make the holes as big as you like.
Once you have done this look around you to find materials to stitch or weave in between the holes to create a pattern. You could use scissors to cut strips of the pages from a magazine, colourful string, fabric, tights, scarves, or cut up elastic bands – depending on the size of your holes!
Try overlapping your stitches or going in different directions to create a pattern.
Think about the clothes in your wardrobe - is there an item of clothing that needs some extra decoration? It could be your favourite jumper that has a stain that you need to cover up. Or maybe there's a pair of jeans that you have fallen out of love with, could you stitch your pattern around the pocket to make them feel new? Think about the ways your paper stitching can inspire you to give your clothes a second lease of life.

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