Day 6: A journey with purpose
🏴 Taith ag iddi bwrpas

Eden Court Highlands is a cultural venue in the north of Scotland and the largest multi-arts organisation in the country.
The original theatre was built in 1976 with a major capital project and a further capital project was completed in 2007, expanding the facilities to meet a changing and growing demand for cultural provision.
Our complex in Inverness now includes two theatres, two cinemas, two dance & drama studios, gallery spaces and a popular café bar. We serve a dispersed, predominantly rural population across a large geographic area.
As the only performance arts venue of scale, and independent cinema in the region, the programme we offer is necessarily diverse to meet the needs of this widespread audience.
Creative engagement at Eden Court is fuelled by our core belief in cultural democracy; that in our spaces everyone is an artist, and that everyone we encounter should have the opportunity to lead a creative live.
Our context is that of the Highlands and we imagine and design our work influenced, inspired and challenged by the lives of people in the Highlands.
The region feeds our creativity and creates the questions we ask within our work. The people of the Highlands know the Highlands best; sometimes that includes us, and other times it doesn’t – we know better than to make assumptions about our communities; whether remote and rural, or urban.
At Eden Court, creative engagement is a key part of our artistic programme supported by our live performance, cinema and producing ambitions.
Creative engagement is a fundamental part of what Eden Court exists to do; representing and delivering our commitment to our civic duty as a publicly funded charity - a responsibility that we take seriously.
Imagine that you are going on a journey with a purpose.
It is up to you to decide on what the purpose is, and where, and how you will be journeying.
Draw the bag that you are taking with you, and label its contents.
Let yourself imagine your journey. How does the journey go for you?
Share pictures of the artwork you create with friends and family or whomever you feel comfortable sharing to.
If you'd like to, you could share it online.
Tag us in your posts so we can see them to.

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