Day 20: A Meaningful Touch
🏴 Cyffyrddiad Ystyrlon

"For this last prompt, I reflected on the clothing items I've personalized and the deep meaning they hold for me. It reminded me of how my mum would personalize her belongings, especially how she used to carry pictures of us inside her wallet. This inspired me to think about personalizing something we carry with us every day. It’s like having a little secret inside your bag—something that offers inspiration, comfort, or a reminder of love whenever you need it."
To find out more about Angie Ouya visit: https://64millionartists.com/angela-ouya/

Create something to hide inside a chosen bag or item of clothing. It could be:
A small picture: Draw or capture an image that has personal significance to you. It might be of a person or a scene from a memory or place.
A personal note or quote: Write a positive affirmation, inspirational quote, or personal note on a small piece of paper or fabric.
Or anything else you like!
Then, secure your ‘meaningful touch’ inside your bag or chosen item and attach it if you can. You could place it in a pocket, or attach it with a pin or sew it on.
Why did you choose this particular item or note? What does it mean to you?

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