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Day 11: A New Word

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Gair Newydd

Day 11: A New Word

"I'm a freelance writer, poet and translator. Most of my work is in Cymraeg (Welsh), and the translation that I do is mainly from English into Welsh. What has basically happened with me is that what was a hobby, writing, became the day job. Working with others, and especially others involved in different fields, helps to remind me that fun and creativity is an important part, the most important part, of my writing."


To find out more about Sian Northey visit:


Day 11 with Sian Northey

Create a word that does not, as far as you know, exist. Create it because you like, or hate, the sound of it.


Decide how it's written. You could even make up letters that don't exist in any alphabet you use. Write it down in several different ways – pencil, felt pens, on a steamed up bathroom mirror.


How is this word pronounced? Say it in different ways – in a whisper, in a sing-song voice, shouted. You could perhaps record yourself saying it and listen to it.



What is the meaning of this word?


Perhaps it's onomatopaeic, its sound reflecting its meaning.


Perhaps it's a word for something you've always thought there should be a word for. Or its meaning might come as a complete surprise to you and yet feel as if its something you've always known.


Write a definition like a dictionary entry.

Write a sentence, in one or more of your languages, that contains this word.
Draw whatever it is.


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