Creativity is... a source of light.
- Past, Present, Future: Creative workshop hosted by Anita Kambo, one of our January Challenge Ambassadors, this workshop will explore poetry and intention-setting to unlock your creativity for the year ahead. Friday 3rd Feb, 11am - 11.45am, Online via Zoom.
- Mindful Animal Movement Workshop hosted by Aditi Kaushiva, Tues 14th Jan, 10am - 1pm
- Becoming a Worm: Art Workshop hosted by Babette van Gerwen, Wed 15th Jan, 10am - 1pm
- Upcycle and Redecorate Workshop hosted by Fast Fashion Therapy, Thurs 16th, 10am - 12.30pm
Find the nearest source of light around you.
It could be daylight? A lamp? Maybe it’s the light you create with a torch?
How can you play with it? You could create shadows on a wall, play with the reflections of light and recreate them through drawing.
Maybe your source of light is a person! What can you create to represent the light they bring into your life?
Does playing with the light shift your perspective on its purpose?
Think about who else shares this source of light?
Share your creation with someone you know. Spread your very own source of sunshine!
Share your creations on social media with #64MillionArtists

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