Day 25: Bring it to life
🏴 Dod yn fyw

Hello! With the warmest of greetings. I've chosen today's challenge because I was chosen to be one of eight artists who have experienced homelessness in the UK to work for Arts and Homeless international, I have thought a lot about objects I had whilst homeless - their semiotics, their meanings, usefulnesses and how they made me feel. I either needed them to survive, or they where so precious that they survived the high risk of getting lost or stolen. Objects that meant so much I managed to hang on to them and that somehow managed to dictate a part of who I am, or at least a part of my story. It's an interesting journey and technique for anyone to look at the objects that are important to them. They have an excellent story because we all do and things do represent you.
My creative prompt is about objects. As someone who was chosen to be one of eight artists who have experienced homelessness in the UK to work for Arts and Homeless international, I have thought a lot about objects I had whilst homeless - their semiotics, their meanings, usefulnesses and how they made me feel. I either needed them to survive, or they where so precious that they survived the high risk of getting lost or stolen. Objects that meant so much I managed to hang on to them and that somehow managed to dictate a part of who I am, or at least a part of my story.
Choose an object that is important to you. It can be anything at all - something that has sentimental value, or something you use everyday. Begin free writing whilst thinking about the object and see where your words take you. Free writing is writing without thinking too much about the contents - just letting the words come as they pop into your thoughts. Some people find that this can help ‘creative block’. The prompts below might help get you started; Think about what you can See, Feel, Smell, Hear or Taste whilst holding the object. Think about how the object prompts additional feelings internally - your heartbeat, muscle tension, a spark in your brain... Spend up to 10 minutes writing. You can read your words back, or leave them there.
Why did you chose it the object? What is its importance? What is its relationship to you and your story?
Share your work with people that you know, or by sharing online with the hashtag #TheJanuaryChallenge

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