Day 13: Follow the Sound
🏴 Dilyn y Sŵn

"This prompt is basically the reverse of something I was invited to do and really enjoyed. A fellow poet and I read our work and a musician reacted to it as we read, without any preparation beforehand. At times we felt we were doing things in parallel, and at other times there was interaction. The musician improvising as we read, but his rhythms also having an influence on how we read.
Thinking about the group I want to work with I would hope that it would encourage speaking or writing less self-consciously."
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Find some instrumental music, any type of music. It could be familiar music, perhaps from well known films or artists – or you could choose something that you are unfamiliar with.
Play the music, not too loudly, and write down or speak aloud words, inspired by the music.
Try not to think too hard – say or write what you instinctively want to say or write.
If you've been writing perhaps you could play the music again and read your work out aloud to see how they sound together.
Is there anything in what you've created that you'd like to explore further? It might be one interesting sentence, one unexpected adjective. Take that small snippet and expand on it – either with more words, or visually, or make the circle complete and hum, whistle or sing something inspired by these few words.

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