Day 16: ‘If I knew then what I know now’
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Angie Aspinall is the founder of #HearingLossHour - an online peer support group for people with hearing loss. She launched #HearingLossHour in 2015 after feeling isolated following her own experience of sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
#HearingLossHour takes place at 1pm on the first Tuesday of the month on Twitter/X. People join in to share support, experiences, and tips about living well with hearing loss. @HearingLossHour now has over 3,000 followers on Twitter/X.
On 2nd January, we will be getting creative with a challenge which we will launch during #HearingLossHour live on Twitter/X. Join us!
There is so much I know now (about living with hearing loss, about communication skills, about technology, and being a self-advocate) that would have made my life so much easier if I’d know it when I first experienced hearing loss.
I hope that by encouraging people to share their knowledge and experience about a life-changing experience with ‘their younger selves’, they can help people who are where they once were.
Ideally, I would like to collect the stories relating to hearing loss and create a book to help others.
Think about a challenge or negative experience that you have overcome or come to terms with.
Write a survival guide for your younger self or for others who are where you once were.
What are your 'top tips' for survival?
Perhaps it’s a survival guide to losing some - or all - of your hearing or sight; being bullied; facing a scary diagnosis; losing a loved one; having long covid; or experiencing a relationship breakup.
You could illustrate your words and create a road map to getting where you are today - highlighting key positive experiences, information gathered, and people who helped or influenced you.
What do you wish you'd known sooner?
What do you know that you think would help others?
Share your survival guide with someone who may be where you once were so they can benefit from your wisdom.
Or share it with those who helped you along the way to let them know how much you appreciate their support.
If your challenge was hearing loss, you can send your letter/guide to us @HearingLossHour and we will share it for you!

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