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Day 12: Making Waves

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Day 12: Making Waves

"Creativity has led me to connections with people that I wouldn't have connected with otherwise, and visits to parts of the world I wouldn't have gone to otherwise. But working creatively has also led me to discover unexpected things about myself – fears, hopes, forgotten memories."


To find out more about Sian Northey visit:


Day 12 with Sian Northey

Find some clean water. It could be a stream or a beach, or it could be water in a sink or even in a cup. Allow your skin to touch the water in some way – you may wade out until you are waist deep, dip your toes or your hand in it, even just put one finger in the cup. And now play – move your body in the water either gently or quickly, splash, stay still and feel the water. How does it feel? What does it make you think about?



Did this bring back any memories? When was the last time you played with water?
If you have time, write or draw something arising from these memories.


You can share today's journey with creativity on social media by tagging us or using the hashtag #TheJanuaryChallenge
Or you could use our new interactive map below to show us where you're getting creative from and pin your creation!
Encourage your friends and family to join in to take the conversation further!

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