Creativity is...perfectly imperfect.
Over the next three week’s we’ll be introducing you to 64 Million Artists newest board members.
We are a not-for-profit social enterprise and we have a board to support us in three main ways:
- Share our vision and values and be the guardians of these, helping us to stay on track with them if we are in the weeds of delivering our work
- Broaden our community and bring in new voices, making sure we're thinking about things from different perspectives
- Keep us accountable on our spending, decision making and processes, ensuring we are being transparent and open in the way we work
“We are very lucky to have an amazing set of people to collaborate with on the board and they are always bringing new ideas and ways of thinking. We make sure that it's a two way street, by also giving them time to get creative, learn from each other and have some fun!” - Jo Hunter, CEO of 64 Million Artists
Let’s discover what creativity means to our newest members through the prompts they set us!
First up is Juveriah
“Hi everyone! I'm Juveriah and I love everything creative. I have recently joined 64 million artists as a member of the board and my goal is to help bring creativity to everyone across the UK. I love languages and I currently work as a Speech and Language Assistant. I try to bring creativity to all aspects of my life and enjoy coming up with fun out of the box ideas in order to do so.
For me creativity can be found in every aspect of life. I believe that creativity can make the normally mundane into something exciting and helps us to think in ways that we wouldn't have imagined before. Personally, I like to use my artwork to relax and capture the world around me in different ways. I’m always eager to try new hobbies and encourage others to do the same.
I would often feel like my art had to be perfect and if I didn't have the time to perfect it, what was the point? However, I always loved being creative, and I felt my perfectionism would sometimes hold me back. So, I decided to start making art just for fun, without worrying about the final product. I like to try and create art everyday, whether that be for 5 minutes or 3 hours. Whatever time you have available, let yourself be creative and enjoy the process. Just like learning a language, it takes time to perfect any new skill but don't give up, you'll learn a lot more if you give it a try. That's why I want everyone to give my creative prompt a go and see what they learn about themselves and about the art of imperfection.”
Create a piece of abstract art.
Using any medium (pens, paint, markers etc.) draw 3-5 shapes on a piece of paper in any arrangement.
They can overlap or be far apart.
Then, look for patterns around you. You might find lines in furniture or shapes in a plant.
Use these patterns to inspire the marks you make in your shapes.
Don't think too much about the final product and enjoy experimenting with different ideas.
After 10 minutes take a look at your piece even if you haven't finished. Think about which parts of your picture you like and which parts you might want to change? How did you feel when you started creating a picture without a final product in mind and how do you feel now?
Share your pictures and embrace the imperfection of your art. Even if it isn't perfect, it can be a lot of fun to create abstract art and inspire others to do the same!
Share your creations on social media with #64MillionArtists

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