Day 1: Poster for a better future
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Hello! My name is Nadina, and I'm a Graphic Artist from Marseille currently based in London.
I chose this creative challenge because I'm all about addressing the issues of our time and thinking about ways to solve them. I believe we all have the power to change things for the better and I want to encourage people to think about what they can change to make their life and the lives of the people they care about better.
Website: www.nadinadidthis.com
Instagram: @nadinadidthis
It's Day 1 of The January Challenge, and Day 1 of 2024! We have a new year ahead of us - what could happen? What change - big, or small - do you want to see in the world this year? Think up a slogan or message that captures that change.
Now, take an A4 sheet of paper, and create a poster by filling it with your message. Your message should be bold, short and colourful. Add drawings if you'd like to!

Think about things in your everyday life that need improvement - More recycling bins? More spaces for communities to gather? More affordable and accessible housing? Or - anything you like...!

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