St Thomas Medical Group

Natasha Whittaker
TJC logo 2025

2025 ambassador

St Thomas Medical Group


Please can you introduce yourself

Hi I'm Natasha. I have a long held interest in wellbeing, in creative pursuits and in how spending any amount of time being creative can have a positive impact on our wellbeing.
During the day, I work within primary care and I'm taking this opportunity to bring creativity, connectivity and the chance to 'give it a go' to our practice teams and our patients via January Challenge.


Where does creativity show up for you and how do you use it?

Creativity shows up in all aspects of my life, I use it to relax, to learn and to problem solve.
A creative mind really helps at work and I also have lots of 'projects' on the go at home. I'm always experimenting with new ways to express myself creatively.
I'm currently exploring ways in which I can take creative workshops into the community.


Has your creativity ever led you to any unexpected places or connections?

Creativity has led me study for an arts degree as a mature student (I never expected to be able to achieve this and I still forget I have it!!) It's also opened up opportunities within the performance field which I hadent anticipated.
I've met a couple of lovely, supportive and inspiring friends through shared creative interests.


What drew you to take part in The January Challenge?

I have taken part in The January Challenge for many years. I've always found it to be really accessible and the short but inspiring daily prompts are achievable and fun. It's also great to part of something bigger and it's lovely to see the many ways people interpret the prompts.


Would you like to share any more details about the group or community you hope to work with?

I hope to work with the teams within our general practice group, both clinical and administrative. This will be by sharing the January Challenge and facilitating participation. I also hope to work with our patients, making the January Challenge accessible via social media and by offering an event in January. I will try to promote connectivity by creating in person and on line sharing spaces.


Finish the sentence. 'Creativity Is...'
new discoveries beginning.

Sign up and participate for free

The January Challenge is totally FREE to take part in. You’ll receive 31 creative prompts in 31 days and each one is a chance to explore and celebrate your creativity. Join thousands of people opening a creative prompt in their inbox throughout January and see where it leads you!

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