Free Creativity Champions Packs

Want all 31 creative prompts now?
Calling all teachers, librarians, carers, leaders and those who want to get their friends, groups or communities together and do The January Challenge collectively. Did you know that you can view all of the 31 creative prompts in advance to plan ahead for January? You can find the creative prompts along with the timetable and information about all the brilliant people who've set them at the link below.
Click the tailored packs below to skip to the one for you

How to be a Creativity Champion
A Creativity Champion is someone who promotes and facilitates creativity in their community, whether that’s within a team at work or a group closer to home. Anyone can be a Creativity Champion, and 64 Million Artists offer resources, training and sharing spaces year-round to support Creativity Champions to do their great work.
What's included in the packs?
Aside from 31 days of creative prompts to help you plan ahead for January, you'll also find all the info you need to inspire your journey in hosting The January Challenge your way! Each pack has tailored tips to help support you in your setting, there's quotes from Creativity Champions from previous years and much more!

Bonus webinars
We held a training session for each pack so you can learn from others how to use the 31 creative prompts to super power your January events, workshops, socials and more.
You'll receive a link to view the webinar once you've downloaded the pack.

This pack is for everyone
📕 Who it's for:
For anyone and everyone! Use this pack with family, friends, work colleagues, and community groups.
💡 Top tip:
Here at 64 Million Artists, we use these in our Monday morning team meetings on Zoom before we dive into any work agendas, but there are plenty of tips inside on how to use the pack with others.
You could also share the creative prompts on a WhatsApp channel to inspire friends or a group of people you've invited to participate in The January Challenge.
📂 Download link
You can sign up for your free copy here

Pack for schools
📕 Who it's for:
We’ve been working with schools and partners to create this pack, specially designed to help you get creative in January (or whenever you like!)
💡 Top tip:
Some pin the creative prompt of the day on a notice board in the staff room and organise creative moments between teachers during break times.
📂 Download link
You can sign up for your free copy here

Pack for libraries
📕 Who it's for:
This pack has been tailored for library settings.
💡 Top tip:
Print off the creative prompt of the day and display it on the library notice board for passers-by to join in.
📂 Download link
You can sign up for your free copy here

Pack for care homes
📕 Who it's for:
This pack has been tailored to use creative prompts within Care Home settings throughout January (or whenever you like!)
💡 Top tip:
Share some photos of residents joining in with our community on Facebook and interact with other care home settings participating in The January Challenge.
📂 Download link
You can sign up for your free copy here

Pecyn Hyrwyddwyr Creadigol
📕 Ar gyfer pwy / Who it's for:
Mae’r pecyn hwn wedi’i deilwra ar gyfer defnyddio’r heriau mewn lleoliadau Cymraeg yn ystod mis Ionawr (neu unrhyw adeg arall!)
This pack has been tailored to use prompts in Welsh language settings throughout January (or whenever you like!)
💡 Syniad da / Top tip:
Os ydych chi'n cynnal gofod ar gyfer pobl sydd yn dysgu Cymraeg, neu mewn lleoliadau dwyieithog, argraffwch gopi o’r pecyn sylfaenol yn Saesneg fel bod modd i bobol weld y cyfieithiadau ochr yn ochr.
If you're holding space for Welsh language learners or bilingual settings, print off a copy of the standard pack in English so that people can see the translations side-by-side.
📂 Dolen i lawrlwytho / Download link
Questions and answers
Got another question not answered here? Send it over to yashoda@64millionartists.com and they'll be happy to answer you (no question is too big, small or silly!)