Day 5: Wait a Minute...
🏴 Aros funud…

Hiya, I'm Scott Thomas, an artist and theatremaker working in the Southside of Glasgow. I'll be working with a group of creative people at The Wee Retreat CIC, a community wellbeing centre, throughout January to take part in the fun creative prompts.
As we're in a peaceful space, we'll be exploring how relaxing our mind and bodies beforehand will affect the work we create and how we approach it. I'm really looking forward to working with my group and showcasing the work they create in mini exhibitions dotted around the city.
I chose this creative prompt as taking a pause is something I've recently adopted in my work. Often our lives can be busy or hectic and we hurry to cram as much into our day as we can.
I've found that stepping back and focusing on my breathing or on just clearing my thoughts before creating that my I enjoy the process a lot more. There's less stress when things go awry or inspiration temporarily drifts away.
Ideally think about nothing.
But that's a hard ask, so try focusing on your breathing or on a point in space.
Make sure you're comfortable. It might help to have your eyes closed but do whatevers comfortable for you.
You're not using this time to prepare for your artwork. Try not to let your mind plot the foundations of your next activity.
This is all about focusing on the moments between actions.
Giving yourself a restful little pause to breath and relax before starting something else.
A peaceful soundscape or a mindful podcast might help you out if you find it difficult sitting in silence.
Share pictures of the artwork you create with friends and family or whomever you feel comfortable sharing to.
If you'd like to, you could share it online.
Tag us in your posts so we can see them to.
Share your thoughts on how pausing affected your work? Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Let us know.

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