Day 26: What music inspires
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Hi people, My names Nathan and I'm an artist/musician based in Wolverhampton. I've always worked closely with artist and musician societies within my city but I've never brought both communities together, but I'll be doing just this with The January Challenge! Looking forward to getting creative with you...
During my studies at university, I was researching the releations between sound and sight and looking into phenomena such as synesthesia (the mixing of senses e.g. seeing sounds). There's a very interesting relationship with sight and sound that I believe exists within everyone but displays itself in different ways, some see sounds as an array of colours and shapes (maybe even tastes) while others may have sensations that exist more within the imagination. I believe theres a little bit of synesthesia in all of us.
Click below to listen to a piece of music I have created.
Your challenge is to create a mark on a page in response to the music, that interprets what you're hearing. Think about what textures or shapes the sounds might inspire. Try to allow yourself to create in unison with the sound.
Alternatively you could think about what vibrations you can feel around you, what marks would you make in response to them?

Music and art are both known to evoke feeling, try to move with the sounds to see what your first thoughts or feelings bring to life on the page.
Share your art online with the hashtag #TheJanuaryChallenge! I'm going to invite the musicians I work with to turn the visual art back into sound...

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