Day 27: You learn something new everyday
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Hill Care Care Homes is a collection of 36 Residential Care Homes across the North of England. We specialise in providing residential, nursing and dementia care, personalised for you and your family. Our experienced professional healthcare teams and safe, comfortable accommodation provide residents with bespoke healthcare support. Including the privacy, dignity and the opportunity to make their own choices and maintain as much independence as possible. Planned daily routines as well as stimulating activities and events, create a positive experience for the whole family.
Find a way to learn something new, today. This creative prompt has come from a workshop at Hazelgrove Court Care Home, and is designed by Betty. Betty first picked up a paintbrush in her 80’s and is now learning to garden and grow veggies. What intrigues you today? Follow your intrigue! Could you learn a new word in a different language, learn a new fact about a country you've been to (or not been to)? Could you learn something new about a friend, by asking 'what is there that I don't know about you?'

Can you teach something new, to somebody else?
Share your learnings with people that you know, or by sharing online with the hashtag #TheJanuaryChallenge

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