Day 6: A Word Walk
🏴 Tro geiriau

“I'm Rachel and I run boom saloon, a global media movement to democratise creativity for good. Boom Saloon work in collaboration with STAND, a peer support group for people living with young onset dementia - that is people who are diagnosed with dementia under the age of 65 - and their families and friends in Fife, Scotland. Boom Saloon have been working with STAND since 2019 to support them tell the true story of those living with young onset dementia, in their own words ."
A Word walk is a perfect excuse to combine your creativity with some fresh air or the chance to look at an often familiar scene with new eyes – it can be refreshing to recognise the potential which sits on our very doorstep but which we may tend to overlook in the busyness of normal life.
To find out more about boom saloon visit: https://64millionartists.com/boom-saloon
Instagram: @boomsaloon
Website: boomsaloon.com

Go for a word walk! If you're unable to go for a walk, find a window and look outside or sit outdoors. Notice how many words you can see, from those on signs to flags to buses, as you either walk or look around. Select your favourites and write them down, or record them by reading aloud.
Use the words you found to write a poem.
You may want to gather your words first and then re-order to make your poem – there is no right or wrong! If you wish, add in any additional words for context and look back over your word walk poem.
Terms such as poetry and creative writing can feel incredibly daunting – they are filled with stanzas and haikus and villanelles, written by people such as Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson and Yeats. And yet... at their core, they are nothing more than the words we each use day in, day out. These three Word Play prompts encourage and guide you to think about the words that surround us each day and how we can play with them to discover that, in fact – we are all poets, even if we didn't know it!

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