Day 22: Take Back The Trash
🏴 Arbed y sbwriel

"I hope to work with the teams within our general practice group, both clinical and administrative. This will be by sharing the January Challenge and facilitating participation. I also hope to work with our patients, making the January Challenge accessible via social media and by offering an event in January. I will try to promote connectivity by creating in person and on line sharing spaces."
To find out more about St Thomas Medical Group visit: https://64millionartists.com/st-thomas-medical-group

Today – we’re getting crafty!
Gather some clean recycling from your office
(or home-office) stash.
Take time to think about that thing differently.
Could it be re-used at all?
Could it be used for something completely different?
Could it be made into a friendly character?
Revive that piece of trash and give it a new life.
Spend some time thinking about what is routinely thrown away in our world. Awareness has grown on this subject over the years but, with creative thinking we could probably all do a little more to reduce the piles heading to landfill. Could we re-use more? Could we pass more onto others? Could we re-purpose more? What possibilities are waiting to be discovered in your bin bag?

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