Taking August Off

Every August, 64 Million Artists pause for the summer. ⏸
Rest can be a radical act. It goes against everything capitalism stands for. In 2023, we boldly decided to take August off as a team - to reflect and rest after navigating the pandemic and burnout.
If you want to know how it all started, one of our team members simply forwarded a thought piece penned by Brené Brown to our founder with a cheeky “…I'm just leaving this here."
If you don't ask, you don't get.
As a team, we agreed to repeat August Off every year. If we’re well rested, we can do our best for our communities and be more intentional and present.
We also sat around a table and discussed what rest means to each of us. We discovered that it looks wildly different to everyone. There are plenty of different ways to rest, and not one solution fits everyone.
For us, in addition to allowing a deep moment of rest from the treadmill of work and life, it’s about the opportunity to be present in other areas, including different parts of our creativity. Team members may also have caring responsibilities, children, are managing chronic illness, or want to spend quality time with family and friends. Weekends are great, but they are often filled with life's invisible or unpaid work, which doesn’t always allow enough time for rest or reset.
We understand that it’s a privilege to have the chance to work this way, and we know that it isn’t available to all right now. However, for some organisations, the opportunity awaits.
If you think that your organisation might be open to the idea of August Off, or a culture shift in any direction, why not forward this page and a copy of our Manifesto for Transformative Workplace Culture to someone who can help you change how your organisation works (and rests)? You never know; they might be calling out for some space to pause, too.
Press pieces on our culture
Dare to be idle.
We've compiled a list of links that have inspired us to rest.
Be bold. Make a brew and let these links transport you.
- Longing to be liberated from the grip of Grind Culture?
- The seven types of rest we all need.
- Is “laziness” the key to creativity? The Lazy Report makes a great case for it.
- Rest is a form of protest. (22:33)
- Waste your time doing nothing at all.
- A tiny to-do list for the entire summer.
- Machines are designed to run constantly; people aren’t.
- I thought about how much control I have over my time and how much my time has over me.
- Proper creative rest is about taking an intentional break from synthesizing, producing, or solving any problem.
- When you feel the need to speed up, slow down.
- Want to be more creative and increase your self-awareness and overall life fulfilment?
✨ Why not take a moment to daydream right now ✨

A Manifesto for Transformative Workplace Culture
Read-only version available.
How do we create caring, collaborative and creative workplace cultures that allow us to thrive?
Join us as we launch 64 Million Artists Manifesto for Transformative Workplace Culture
This manifesto is for anyone passionate about creating positive change in their work environment. Whether you're a leader, manager, or team member, this event will provide valuable perspectives to help you drive meaningful transformation within your practices or organisation.

Watch the webinar playback
Hosted by 64 Million Artists Co-founder and CEO Jo Hunter, and Head of Partnership Programmes Lerato Stanley-Dunn.
UK Company Culture Awards 2024 Finalist for 'Most Innovative Culture'

The responses we had to the question 'What does a caring, collaborative and creative workplace look like for you?'

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