Day 21: You Inspire Me
🏴 Rwyt ti’n fy ysbrydoli

"I’m always on the lookout for new things to learn and I’m always interested in the many ways people negotiate and experience life. This has resulted in me meeting many people who inspire me and have shown me a variety of choices open to me. In our fast-moving world, it’s sometimes easy to forget just how big a small gesture can be. I know that, when I receive a message that makes me smile, I can go back to it and re-ignite that smile whenever I want to. It would be great for people to give this a go because by spontaneously sharing and receiving inspirational messages, we can create a ripple of positivity that could spread across the country."
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Imagine you have all of the people who have ever inspired you in your contacts list (friends, family and famous people through the ages).
Write a message, a picture or write a letter to one of them letting them know why they are inspirational and what they have inspired you to do.
If it’s in any way possible, send that message or letter.
Share your thoughts with the person who has inspired you.
Think about all of the wonderful people who have touched your life. Have you met all of the people who have inspired you? Who do you think inspired the people who inspired you? Is there any way you would like to pass that on? How would you like to inspire others?

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