Create circles of care and creativity at work

As a nation, we’re often driven by getting things right. Creativity is a chance to get back in touch with a part of ourselves, often long-buried, and allows us to connect with the world around us differently. That’s why The January Challenge exists – to remind us that we are ALL creative. We’re holding workshops in November…

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Why we’re taking August off as a company

Creative PromptsAbout us Jobs and opportunities Our values Equalities statement Our team Associates The boardPodcastOur work Current projects Previous projects Let’s work togetherBlogContact Creative PromptsAbout us Jobs and opportunities Our values Equalities statement Our team Associates The boardPodcastOur work Current projects Previous projects Let’s work togetherBlogContact Newsletter Why we take August off as a company.…

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‘Here’s Why I’m Giving My Employees August Off… On Full Pay’

Creative PromptsAbout us Jobs and opportunities Our values Equalities statement Our team Associates The boardPodcastOur work Current projects Previous projects Let’s work togetherBlogContact Newsletter Creative PromptsAbout us Jobs and opportunities Our values Equalities statement Our team Associates The boardPodcastOur work Current projects Previous projects Let’s work togetherBlogContact ‘Here’s Why I’m Giving My Employees August Off……

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How a four-day week is changing our lives!

In 2017 I found myself in a burnout cycle. It’s typical of people in the creative industries. We’re passionate about what we do, so we work hard without enough breaks and blur the boundaries between work and life. Then, suddenly, we can’t manage it anymore, and we crash. I realised something had to give. So,…

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We have no expectations of you. You’re just welcome.

I’m tired. Aren’t you? I don’t think I know anyone who isn’t limping towards Christmas battling colds, Covid, too many commitments, awful fatigue or just a general sense of not being able to hold it together. If you aren’t, well done to you, you are forever my hero, and I applaud your stamina and your…

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National Day of Arts in Care Homes 2021

Today, Friday 24th September, is the National Day of Arts in Care Homes! Get creative in your care setting, home or workplace and download the The Weekly Challenge here ➡️ Let’s play a game of colour association.   Arts In Care Homes is a project run by National Activity Providers Association. Every year they celebrate…

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Have your Say #TheJanuaryChallenge

The January Challenge is 31 days of fun, quick and free creative prompts to kickstart the new year.  In the 2021 programme we worked with three brilliant collaborators – Lemn Sissay, Jess Thom (aka Touretteshero) and Yomi Adegoke. Over 50,000 people took part and 96% of 1000 people surveyed said that it had a positive…

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Are you a resident of Westminster and unemployed? With support from Westminster Adult Education Service we are running a FREE business and enterprise masterclass! Develop your skills, behaviours and connections and support your search for work. Using Your Strengths to Get a Job | 30th June | 10AM – 1PM Find out more and register…

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The Weekly Challenge Blog – Free Books Campaign

This Thursday, 4th March, is World Book Day and we are celebrating with The Free Books Campaign! Read the full challenge here: Chrysti-Anne Wright, Campaign Support Coordinator tells us more about how the Free Books Campaign came to be and their incredible work!    The Free Books Campaign was founded by Sofia Akel in…

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Connect to Create: Long Covid Creative Support Programme

Connect to Create is a free creative support programme for those experiencing Long Covid (on-going symptoms and long term effects of Covid-19), supported by The National Lottery Community Fund. Connect to Create is 28 days of creative activities, the programme is designed to provide a platform for sharing experiences and a positive point of connection…

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