Cultural Democracy in Practice – The Movement for Cultural Democracy

As part of our series on Cultural Democracy we have been asking for contributions from people working in this way in the field. This is the latest manifesto from The Movement for Cultural democracy – a movement which exists to collectively create and collaboratively campaign for the realisation of a radical and transformative cultural programme…

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Cultural Democracy in Practice – The Common Lot

The Common Lot is an open collective of people dedicated to working together to produce relevant, high quality, original theatre that can be enjoyed by all. Director Simon Floyd believes a democratic approach is ‘the only way to make art’ and human connection should be at the heart of creating meaningful work. By, with and…

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Cultural democracy in practice – Units of Power

Units of Power Units of Power was a 2016 project led by artist Jack Brown in partnership with Children and the Arts and Saatchi Gallery. It took place in 3 schools in Tottenham, London – Northumberland Park Community School, St Paul’s and All Hallows Primary School and Risley Avenue Primary School. The visible outcome of…

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Cultural democracy in practice – Feast

Feast Feast is an innovative model for development that has been running for 10 years across Cornwall, encouraging artists and communities to make work, festivals and events, rooted at the heart of local areas. In 2017/18 alone their work enabled 1,651 artists and 1,944 volunteers to make cultural activities that were experienced by 12,928 active…

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Cultural Democracy in Practice- The Agency

The Agency – BAC, Contact Manchester and People’s Palace Projects The Agency is a three-way collaboration between Contact Manchester, Battersea Arts Centre and People’s Palace Projects. It draws upon strong community connections to work with vulnerable young people who will benefit from joining the creative processes of Contact, BAC, and now other participating partners across…

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Cultural Democracy in Practice – The Shop Front Theatre

The Shop Front Theatre The Shop Front Theatre, managed by Theatre Absolute, is exactly what it says on the tin, a theatre in a shopfront in quite a dilapidated shopping centre in the centre of Coventry. It’s not flashy, it has a few lights and is a bit ‘dodgy and dirty’ as Co-Founder Chris O’Connell…

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Cultural Democracy in Practice – Scottee and Friends

Scottee and Friends We met Scottee and Asad in the rehearsal room for their new show Fat Blokes, which had just premiered at Southend and was going on to run in Peterborough, Manchester, London and across the UK in the Autumn. Scottee, an artist and activist, predominantly makes work in collaboration and for this show…

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Cultural Democracy in Practice – Northern Heartlands

Northern Heartlands Northern Heartlands is one of the Great Place schemes, jointly funded by ACE and HLF with the ambition to empower communities through culture, heritage and the arts. One of the only schemes not to be embedded within a local authority, the bid itself left space for the strategy and direction of the process…

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Cultural Democracy in Practice – National Theatre Wales Team

National Theatre Wales – TEAM Since the inception of National Theatre Wales in 2010, TEAM has been an integral part of what it does. Designed to be a different kind of national theatre that had a relationship with the communities it serves, TEAM is a national network of now over 2000 people who help to…

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